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AIRASA - Flash News

AIRASA 5-2-25, Flash news

Dear friends, With regard to 18150 entry pay Yesterday, the President, General Secretary, and Additional GS AIRASA Mr. Chandra Sekhar met Officers first at DoE and informed them that we are proceeding to court as per their advice... Then we met out Advocate Ma'am at her chamber in Supreme Court and narrated everything with relevant court judgments, IREM clause....etc etc....

Madam is on the job to prepare a rough draft of OA/Petition....

Once done, we will come to know....

In the meanwhile, any new members joined, please fill the Google sheet and furnish it.... It's once again reiterated that if u go individually at respective CATs, it would be cumbersome and very, very expensive.... Here in principal CAT, all your individual cases will have a back-up support of AIRASA with a very, very nominal fee..... as and when Ma'am required any documentary evidence, AIRASA can provide within no time....

As such, for the best reasons, filling Principal CAT will be a wise decision...

If you are still not interested by some members of this group, may you please leave this group immediately and take initiation to file the case at your respective jurisdiction....

Reji George GS AIRASA.

AIRASA 5-2-25, Flash news

Dear friends with regard to the Arbitration award, the President, General Secretary AIRASA, and Additional General Secretary Mr. Chandra Sekhar went to DoE of Ministry of Finance where we met the Under Secretary, Dy Secretary and Joint Secretary, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, came to know that the file was pushed to the O/o DoPT for their remarks as the matter involves Pay & Allowances....

Accordingly, we met Under Secretary Officer DoPT and shared the available drafts of DoE as well as a reply from Rly Side.....He asked his subordinate to put up the file immediately.

Also emphasized the importance of the proper implementation so as to clear the disparity in the Organised A/cs with that of CSS forever....

Otherwise, if only one grade is maintained by parity leaving the other two grades, the disparity will continue for further decades.... and the core intention of Arbitration award will get defeated..... We also emphasized that it should be done at the earliest as it has already been delayed by two decades.

Hoping to get it resolved soon....๐Ÿ‘

Reji George GS AIRASA.

AIRASA 3-2-2025, Flash news

Today, the contempt hearing for the fifth PC arrears case came for hearing. The judge has asked Railways to pay the arrears immediately. No more hearings hereafter.

Dear friends, It is a great day for us. Finally , we won the contempt petition in Delhi High Court today (03.02.2025). The judge asked whether the office bearers of AIRASA were present. Then immediately, our Advocate Madam said the General Secretary Sri Reji George and President Partho Bhattacharya are here, and we were called right in front of his chamber, and we deposed and answered the queries of the judge.

The Honorable High Court issued orders for implementation of the award for VPC arrears from 01.01.96 to 18.02.2003 to all immediately. We hope Railway board will implement to all AIRASA members. Our learned counsel Sumita Hazarika detailed the order of Honorable Supreme Court, and the Honorable Delhi High Court Bench accepted our view and pleadings, finally closing the case with positive order to grant benefit to all.

As Applicants, it is a great victory and relief for us, and the design to misinterpret the Honorable Supreme Court's order was defeated once again, which is a milestone in the history of AIRASA's fight for justice. At this juncture, I remember the contributions of all our leaders and members who helped the organization to achieve the same.

A special mention of Sri Unnikrishnan Nair former GS AIRASA who initiated this case in 2014, subsequently the present GS AIRASA Reji George took the case from 2015 to 2025 to its last lap. As a part implemented matter, there may not be any chance for administration to go to Supreme Court afresh with any fresh tactics. There are many more things to win. Let us dedicate ourselves to the cause. Last but not the least, let me thank God almighty for hearing our prayers.

Thank you,

AIRASA 19-11-24, Flash news

Dear friends, today we have been to the Ministry of Finance to see the progress of the Arbitration award. First, we met the under Secretary, then Deputy Secretary and Additional member, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance.

They were all very positive. They sent the file to DOPT for consolidation of financial implications of all departments, next we went to DOPT put pressure on them, asked them to speed up the work, and send the file back to the Ministry of Finance for them to issue orders.

In the second half, we came to the Railway Board, met all top officials here, discussed about entry pay, designation change, 3A exams, 70% selection, Gazetted status, and other miscellaneous matters pertaining to Accounts Department. The letter sent by Railway Board on 8-10-24 regarding promotions from Group C to Group B has been withdrawn on our advice as it affects the seniors. The existing letter to the issue stands good.

The contempt case of fifth CPC arrears is now in Delhi High Court , though Rly. Bd notionally agreed, but payment made only for a few people. The matter we appraised to the board officials to issue orders for all accounts staff of Indian Railways rather than waiting for the final outcome of the contempt hearing filed by AIRASA.

Reji George General Secretary AIRASA.

AIRASA 31-05-2024, Flash news

Dear friends, Reji George GS AIRASA and Sri Chandra Sekhar AGS AIRASA were in Delhi from 28-5-24 to 31-5-24 when the temperature was boiling above 50 degrees C. We have met all the top officials in Railway Board.

Regarding 5th PC arrears, the matter has gone to Ministry of law and justice for final clearance. Expecting very shortly. Regarding Designation change, the proposal given by AIRASA has been accepted by Railway Board. Expected in a couple of days.

Regarding Arbitration award, we went to Ministry of Finance, met top officials there, and asked them to speed up.
Regarding 18150 entry pay, we were able to meet JDFCCA, DG HR, PEDA, and MF. We were able to convince these officers, the reluctance from EDPC for the last three years. They said it will be taken positively and factual data will be sent to Ministry of Finance for their acceptance and clearance.

We also brought to the notice of the Accounts Directorate of Railway Board, the cunningness of the EDPC officials in not furnishing the designation of Accounts Assistant in the Arbitration award, instead furnished some irrelevant designation not pertaining to us.
Other than these, many miscellaneous matters were also discussed with Railway Board Officials. A special word of thanks to our AIRASA office bearers at Railway Board for the whole hearted support they have extended to us.

Reji George General Secretary AIRASA.

AIRASA 11-1-2024, Flash news

Dear AIRASA comrades, It is a great day for us. Finally , we won the implementation petition in Delhi High Court after a battle with the Railway Administration for 10 long years. The Honorable High Court issued orders today for implementation of the award for Vth PC arrears from 01.01.96 to 18.02.2003 to all AIRASA members borne on the list.

Though the counsel for Railways tried to take lame excuses and tried to cast aspersions on the membership of AIRASA, our learned counsel Sumita Hazarika forcefully argued the case and the case history upto the order of Honourable Supreme Court and the Honourable Delhi High Court Bench accepted our view and pleadings finally closing the case with positive order to grant benefit to all. As Applicants it is a great victory and relief for all of us and the Government counsels's attempt to misinterpret the Honourable Supreme Court's order was defeated once again which is a milestone in the history of AIRASA's fight for justice.

At this juncture, I remember the contributions of all our leaders and members who helped the organization to achieve the same. First and foremost I would like to thank Mr. Unnikrishnan former GS AIRASA who initiated the case in CAT in the year 2014. From 2015 onwards the present GS AIRASA, Reji George continued the case at Delhi High Court, Supreme Court and finally again at Delhi High Court .
A special word of thanks to Mr. Partho Bhattacharya President AIRASA, Sri N. Chandra Sekhar AGS AIRASA, Dr. Nirmal Dey Financial Advisor AIRASA,Sri Sisodiya AGS AIRASA and all my Central Office bearers and Accounts staff who stood with me through thick and thin in this long fight. Let us welcome this development with all our heart forgetting all differences and standing shoulder to shoulder with our leadership in this togetherness to take it to further heights in order to percolate the benefit to all without leaving any one.

We are committed for all and we are one. Let us remember that 'united we stand and divided we fall'. As a part implemented matter, there may not be any chance for administration to go to Supreme Court afresh with any fresh tactics as SLP & Review petition already turned down by Hon'ble SC.
Let us stand together and fight together. There are many more things to win. Let us dedicate ourselves for the cause. And let us celebrate this achievement by distributing sweets.. img

Reji George General Secretary AIRASA.

On 12-10-23, the Standing Committee Meeting of JCM took place.

Regarding our (Arbitration award) parity issue, it was settled that higher pay scales will be allowed from 1/1/1986 to 31/12/2015 notionally and actual from 1/1/2016. The file will move to the Department of Expenditure for approval.

Tapas Bose
Secretary General
Joint Action Council of Audit and Accounts

Regarding the Arbitration award, Mr. Tapas Bose is the Secretary General of the Joint Action Council of Audit and Accounts representing AIRASA in the national JCM.

Reji George General Secretary AIRASA.

AIRASA 6-10-23

Today hearing took place at 15.30 hours. We have submitted and filed all the names of the staff to the court ten days before. Today we have given a hard copy. The Railway Advocate said she wants eight weeks time to verify the beneficiary list.
So court allowed time and adjourned for eight weeks. The judges views and proceedings were totally in favor of us. So it is presumed that favorable orders will come very shortly. President Mr. Partho Bhattacharya, General Secretary Mr. Reji George and Financial Advisor Dr.Nirmal Dey attended the hearing.

Reji George General Secretary AIRASA.

AIRASA 08-09-2023

Same Link: New Format. Urgent Feedback.


Dear friends, as you all know that our fifth PC arrears have come to the final stage. The Hon'ble Judge of Delhi High Court and Railway Advocate has asked for some additional information which we have to furnish before 13-9-23.
We have already given the name, designation, and office working to the court. The court wants your Date of appointment, Date of retirement, Designation as on 1-1-1996.
So we are sending a link below, open the link, you will find a column. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER, fill up all details and submit.This is applicable to all, even though you might have filled in the earlier format.
Kindly spread the news to all the accounts staff of Indian Railways and also help others who do not have a smartphone. This is applicable only to JAA, AA, SV, SO, TIA, and ISA. as on 1-1-1996 and all those who have got their improved pay scales between 1-1-96 and 18-2-2003 without arrears.
All the particulars MUST be filled as per direction given in every field. Finally, submit it, and your data will be updated. You will get a note below that you have done successfully.
If you would like to verify it, then by putting your PF/ PPO number, you may verify it.

Matter may be treated as most urgent, and the last date will be 13-9-23

Reji George General Secretary AIRASA.

AIRASA 29-08-2023

The fifth PC arrears case came for hearing before the High Court of Delhi today, and our advocate Sumita Hassarika has argued the case very well to the satisfaction of the judges.
The senior counsel appearing for the central government pleaded that the matter was pending before the Supreme Court and Supreme Court is going to hear the matter once again on review petition from Government of India.
But Delhi High Court did not accept that view, and they said the case has reached finality. So, the central government pleader had to accept that view of Delhi High Court.
So the honorable judges said whatever is to be decided in the individual cases filed before the Supreme Court, let the Supreme Court decide. But once the case has reached the finality through the Kerala High Court order and Patna High Court order, which was confirmed by the Supreme Court, the matter should be concluded here today.
The judge asked what the objection of central government is. The Senior Council for the Government of India said the association has not given the list of members to the Railway Board and that they have visited the AIRASA website, and they said nothing is clear from the website.
Then the judges said you can not decide on the case on the ground of visiting somebody's website. The judge said we have to see the pleadings before the tribunal. Our advocate said it is clearly given before the tribunal for the joinder of applications that AIRASA is the petitioner and we are filing the case on behalf of the petitioner members of AIRASA. Then that was accepted by the court, and the court said the only thing is lacking is the list of members in service as of 1/1/1996. The learned judge also pointed out that Article 14 of the constitution is also involved.
So our advocate said that she had already filed the list before the Tribunal and said the list is now available with her on hand. Then the judge said you may file it again in High Court, and we will hear the case on October sixth. So it is a big achievement for us.
The case is tilting towards AIRASA' s favor. So once we give the list of members in service as of 1/1/96 which has already been given, our case will be decreed in our favor. The Delhi High Court's opinion is that the case has reached finality, and there is nothing to be decided on the merit of the case, which itself is an achievement for us.

So we can expect positive results in the next hearing on 6th October. President and GS attended the hearing.

Reji George General Secretary AIRASA.

AIRASA 16-08-2023

Dear friends, today was a very good day for us. There was hearing in the CAT Delhi and in the Delhi High Court. The two bench Judge in the Delhi High Court has lambasted the Railway Advocate.
The Judges were totally in favour of us. When the Judge was about to pronounce the verdict in favour of us. The Railway Advocate said, "Give me one last chance.
So the Judge has given two weeks time. So we are expecting a very positive judgment shortly. This is nothing but delaying tactics from Railway Advocate.
All are requested to pray for the same. Mr. Partho Bhattacharya President AIRASA, Mr. Chandra Sekhar AGS AIRASA, Dr. Nirmal Dey Financial Advisor AIRASA and Sri Reji George GS AIRASA attended.
The detailed report will be sent after our return from Delhi.

Reji George General Secretary AIRASA.

AIRASA 20-08-2023

Sri Partho Bhattacharya President AIRASA, Reji George GS AIRASA, Sri Chandra Sekhar AGS AIRASA and Dr Nirmal Dey Financial Advisor, AIRASA were in Delhi from 15-8-23 to 18-8-23. On 16-8-23 we attended the court hearing at CAT and Delhi High Court regarding 5th PC arrears. As informed earlier, we are going to get a favorable judgment from Delhi High Court by the end of this month.
Other than this, we have taken the case of Designation change, restructuring, Entry Pay of 18150, conduct of Appendix 3A exam, Gazetted status and Arbitration award.
This time we have met AM Revenue, AM Staff, EDPC, JD/CCA, Dy Director/VII and other officials at Railway Board.... discussed regarding the above issue.
Our AGS Mr. Anil Kumar Singh from Railway Board, took us to the Offices of some prominent Politicians, Union Cabinet Ministers like Ashvini Vaishnaw, Smt Meenakshi Lekhi, Sri JP Nadda, Sri Nithin Gadkaari, Sri.Bhupendra Yadav and Sri Om Birla, (Hon'ble Speaker) etc regarding Gazetted status. Trying our best to get one to one meeting very soon ....
Regarding conduct of Appendix 3A exam, this time, it will be conducted by AGM Northern Railway. Already approved by AGM, within a few days, tender will be floated, after acceptance of successful tenderer, notification will be issued shortly. Exam will be conducted this year itself.

Finally, thanks to the AIRASA team of Rly Bd and others who once again shown their hospitality with unity and integrity as usual from time and again.....
Reji George GS AIRASA.

AIRASA 16-08-2023

Dear friends, today was a very good day for us. There was hearing in the CAT Delhi and in the Delhi High Court. The two bench Judge in the Delhi High Court has lambasted the Railway Advocate.
The Judges were totally in favour of us. When the Judge was about to pronounce the verdict in favour of us. The Railway Advocate said, "Give me one last chance. So the Judge has given two weeks time. So we are expecting a very positive judgment shortly. This is nothing but delaying tactics from Railway Advocate.

All are requested to pray for the same. Mr. Partho Bhattacharya President AIRASA, Mr. Chandra Sekhar AGS AIRASA, Dr. Nirmal Dey Financial Advisor AIRASA and Sri Reji George GS AIRASA attended. The detailed report will be sent after our return from Delhi.
Reji George GS AIRASA.

AIRASA Aug-2023

Dear Comrades,
The Convention of the JAC of Audit and Accounts Organisations of Employees are Officers was held after a gap of seven years. Com. Tapas Bose Presided over the meeting . Com. M. Duraipandian Working President TN COC and ex President of AIA&AEA , inaugurated the convention .Com. SB Yadav, Convenor of JAC initiated the discussion. All India leaders from IA&AD, Defence Accounts, Railway Accounts, AG Southern Railway Audit, Civil Accounts and AG Officers Association participated.
One of the Agenda was to reconstitute the Apex body. It was unanimously decided to elect Com. R. B. Suresh, All India President of Postal Accounts Employees Association as the Convenor of the Organisation, Com. Tapas Bose All India Secretary General, Audit and Accounts Association as the Chairman and Com. Anil Kumar AGS Audi and Accounts Association as the Finance Secretary. Delibrations on various issues pertaining to all the constituent organisations was discussed. Special thanks to Com. RBS and his team for organising the convention in an excellent manner. Thanks to Com. Ramesh , All India President and AG's Audit and Accounts Tamilnadu leaders of CAT 2 & CAT 3 for providing the place, lunch and Tea for the Convention.
The meeting concluded with the vote of thanks by Com. Ramesh.
SB Yadav,
Convenor, JAC.

AIRASA 29-07-2023

Well, it's to inform all that Sri Reji George GS AIRASA alongwith Sri Chandra Sekhar AGS/AIRASA have participated in the scheduled JAC meeting of Organised Accounts in Chennai today alongwith CAG, Defence A/cs, Civil A/cs, Postal A/cs, Rly Audit, etc....
During our deliberations, we had highlighted Rly related issues like Arbitration award, restucturing of Accounts cadre, MACP and stepping up, denial entry pay of 18150 (in 6th PC), Gaz status, Direct recruitment/promotee JAA to be given GP of 4200 along with other direct graduate recruits, June retirees. (these will be represented to DoE, DOPT and Rly Bd) besides, also discussed in detail about 5th PC arrears case status co, Regarding Arbitration award Government is prepared to give notional fixation from 1.1.86, regarding arrears we should wait for, from which date the Government is prepared to give. If they give from some backdate, we should be prepared to accept. We are not prepared to commit ourselves to whether we want or don't want arrears, next to maintain parity with CSS, abolish NPS, and restore OPS.

Finally, how best to formulate our issues / demands in the 8th PC committee, to represent as a whole of Organised Accounts Cadres in onego.... The President and General Secretaries of all the Organized Accounts will be in the JAC committee. The convennor of the JAC will be the JCM member who will represent AIRASA matters directly to the Government. Detailed minutes of the meeting from JAC will follow.
Reji George GS AIRASA.

AIRASA 04-01-2023

The Execution petition filed by AIRASA for 5th PC arrears came for hearing today. The Railway Advocate knowing very well that he is going to loose the case abstained from hearing so our case has been adjourned to March 1st.
Reji George GS AIRASA.

AIRASA 11-09-2022

Dear Friends,
Sri Partho Bhattacharya President of AIRASA and Sri Reji George GS AIRASA were in Delhi from 6-9-2022 to 9-9-2022. First day we have gone to attend the hearing of 5th PC arrears at Delhi High Court but got adjourned to 18th November. One case of AIRASA is also in the Tribunal which is coming for hearing on 12 th October. Next we went to Railway Board, Ministry of Finance and EDPC office at Tilak Marg and met all top officials and discussed all pending issues with them .Regarding Designation change we have told them that though we have given number of representions, nothing has taken place though there is no financial implications involved. We told them that if you are not prepared to change the Designation of everyone, atleast change the Designation of JAA and AA as they don't be liked to be called Assistants. This will also increase their morale. As SOs, TIAs and ISAs have been clubbed together in the new pattern there will be a common Designation for the three, we have placed three options to Railway Board for consideration, we have discussed about stepping up and 5400 for people who have retired prior to 1-1-2016, Request to implement the oders of Supreme Court in Diary no 18008/2022 for similarly placed staff duly ignoring the post of JAA to AA granted on account of restructuring w.e.f. 1/4/1987. To increase the percentage of Sr. AAs. One time exemption for all Accounts clerks passed 2A and waiting for promotion as JAA. Gazetted status for SOs/TIAs/ISAs was also discussed. Entry Pay of 18150 for SOs/TIAs and ISAs who were deprived on par with the direct recruits. Fifth PC arrears were given to a few people who filed along with AIRASA but the main contender AIRASA representing the entire Accounts staff of Indian Railways has been left out. This has brought resentment among our staff throughout India. The same was also appraised by PFA of S.E Rly to Railway Board to implement for all. All letters presented will be uploaded shortly in our website www.airasacentral.org.
Thanking you, Reji George GS AIRASA.

Flash News (New)

AIRASA Entry Pay of 18150 given new life. This issue was lying dormant in Railway Board for the last few months. Actually three Offices are dealing with this issue. Accounts Directorate in Railway Board, EDPC Office at Tilak Marg and Ministry of Finance North Block. President and GS/AIRASA were in Delhi from 6-9-2022 to 9-9-2022, visited all the three departments met all the top Officials explained to them how the EDPC officials have mislead the Ministry of Finance and Accounts Directorate of Railway Board. We have been to Ministry of Finance met the Under Secretary also, given a letter to them. We also requested Railway Board Officials to put pressure on EDPC Officials to write to the Ministry of Finance based on my letter. Fortunately the people who are dealing this case in the Finance Ministry were my friends who were looking after our 5400 NFUG. They said they will take immediate action after getting a proper reply from Railway Board. We expect the three departments will clear this case in the next two months.
Reji George GS AIRASA.

AIRASA 16-08-22

Dear Friends,
Regarding 5th PC arrears, we have filed a clarification petition at Delhi High Court and it is coming for hearing on 6th September. At the same time Delhi High Court has asked us to file a petition in the Tribunal with all the names of staff deprived of 5th PC arrears. This we have done and it is coming for hearing on 26th of August. So you can be rest assured that the winning chances are bright for us.
Reji George GS AIRASA.

AIRASA 03-05-2022,

Dear Friends,
for fifth PC arrears our Advocate has filed a petition before Delhi High Court under S. 151 of CPC seeking clarification order so as to percolate the benefit of Delhi High Court judgment to all AIRASA members along with 23 others which came for listing yesterday (02.05.2022) and posted for hearing in August. 2022. We hope to win the case failing which AIRASA might move Supreme Court. Hence I request all accounts staff to show patience and refrain from filing individual application before tribunals which might take another decade for final disposal. As High Court and Supreme Court options are before us, let us pursue the same.
Reji George GS AIRASA.

AIRASA 15-03-2022,

Dear Friends,
In AIRASA's fight for improved pay scale arrears, Railway Administration has opened a new battle front vide it's letter addressed to airf and nfir stating that "Hon'ble Supreme Court while dismissing SLP(C) No. 13818/2020 in the matter of UOI & Ors Vs AIRASA & others has specifically obseved that the question of law is open. " In fact the question of law is well settled in our case that as far as the actual date of effect of improved pay scales is adjudged as 01.01.1996 and the order of the Railway Board stipulating the date for actual arrears 19.02.2003 is set aside and treated as null and void by all tribunals and courts from CAT/ERS, Kerala High Court, GHY High Court & Delhi High Court to Supreme Court, the benefit of Court modification in date should percolate to all eligible accounts staff. Some perverted and sinful minds in Administration is hellbent to see that we do not get arrears in our life time even if they are forced to make payment of rightful dues to the legal heirs. There may be people who take hidden pleasure in it. But we AIRASA - is determined to fight for justice and achieve the arrears winning the legal war against all odds within a short time. As I said earlier, we will be moving the division bench of Delhi High Court or still more inclined to approaching the Supreme Court with SLP. We are just waiting to see the outcome of similar cases filed by individual employees of ER & SER pending for orders in Supreme Court, one scheduled for the end of this month and another during next month. Our fight will continue. The finishing line is clear and near. Rest assured that final victory is ours. We will triumph over the twin evils.
Reji George GS AIRASA.

AIRASA 04-03-2022,

Dear Friends,
Dear friends by this time all of you might have read the Judgment and gathered how the single judge of the Delhi High Court deliberately failed to understand and misinterpreted the representative capacity of AIRASA. The learned judge ignored the fact that AIRASA is a trade union and pretended unaware that a Trade union is a Juristic person. Those who watched the contempt proceedings might have noticed how the learned Judge by just asking three questions concluded the proceedings in just three minutes defeated our cause. It is gross miscarriage of justice. In fact the order of the Judge is unconstitutional as it is violative of trade union rights and provisions contained in Trade Union Act. Emboldened by this unprecedented act of the Judge, Railway Board has advised AIRF & NFIR that the same cannot be implemented to all Accounts staff. Railway further revealed it's intention of going for a long legal battle against Accounts staff piggy riding on another Supreme Court Judgment by stating that the question of law is open as per the Supreme Court order in our arrears case. This is going to be a historical legal battle. We are planning to move the Division bench of Delhi High Court failing which to go for SLP at Supreme Court engaging a senior advocate. The judge erred in appreciating the fact that AIRASA is a registered trade union. The question who is AIRASA or what is AIRASA should have been raised by Principal CAT or Delhi High Court at the time of admitting the case and not at the time of execution petition or contempt petition. We cannot freshly move CAT or employees individually or in groups cannot go to CAT now as it would take another ten years to reach finality by which time most of the beneficiaries would have been dead and gone ๐Ÿ˜ž We talked to veteran trade union leaders and legal experts including Confederation leaders and all are of the opinion that AIRASA should explore the possibility of moving a Division bench in Delhi High Court or should move an SLP in Supreme Court for which we are prepared. Only thing is that the fraction fight within should not spoil the common cause through one upmanship of any group at this critical situation. In fact AIRASA should contact all Railway and outside general trade unions to involve them to protect trade union rights. Our accounts fraternity may rest assured that we will win the legal battle and obtain a landmark judgment in our favour creating history which the posterity will record in golden letters.
Reji George GS AIRASA.

AIRASA 24-02-2022

With deep dismay and disgust I make known to all members of our accounts fraternity that Delhi High Court failed us in our contempt petition in the improved pay scale case by adopting a sinister view that Association cannot be a petitioner for arrears and accepted Railway's compliance report leaving the twenty thousand accounts men in the lurch. The judge failed to comprehend the case and to appreciate the different CAT and High Court and Supreme Court judgments. The learned judge erred in our case and defeated justice. It is a forbidding proportion for the Government and Court to adopt that twenty thousand plus accounts staff should be pushed into filing twenty thousand plus cases for arrears each for himself. What kind of justice system it is! How ever we are exploring all possibilities of filing SLP in Supreme Court or filing fresh case in Principal Bench of CAT, New Delhi. We are in touch with other Accounts and Audit Confederation and legal experts. Our future plans will be announced in consultation with our committee and the experts. I shall get back to you with an action plan shortly and please bear with us until we evaluate the present outcome and come out with a solution. Justice may be delayed but cannot be denied. I pen this with a sense of hurt the perverted legal system has inflicted on accounts community. We will overcome this also. Let's stand together at this difficult time.
Reji George GS AIRASA.

Reji George: AIRASA 22-02-2022,

Dear friends,
The Railway Board has prepared the compliance report for 5th PC arrears. They said with due respect, based on the contempt petition they have issued orders for 23 others. As expected they are silent on AIRASA. They say we don't know who is AIRASA, how many members are there in AIRASA. So I told the Railway Board authorities we are about 20,000 Accounts staff in Indian Railways. All the 20,000 Accounts staff cannot come to the court and file the Vakalatnama. So as GS/AIRASA, I have filed the Vakalatnama on behalf of them. Our Advocate asked us to come to Delhi immediately so Mr. Chandra Sekhar AGS AIRASA, Mr. Nirmal Dey Financial Advisor AIRASA and Sri Reji George GS AIRASA rushed to Delhi in spite of the cold weather.. We were there in Delhi from 16-2-2022 to 19-2-2022. We met our Advocate and appraised her the motive of Railway Board. Madam said she will take appropriate legal steps deem fit to the case immediately. Madam appraised the Court that AIRASA is the only Association for Accounts Department and the benefit of arrears should be extended to all the staff. Meanwhile our Advocate said you keep the particulars of all staff ready. Next we went to Finance Ministry and met the top Officials there. They said we are prepared to sanction the amount which roughly works out to be Rs. 200 crores. We have returned the file back to Railway Board asking for the no. of applicants, for which they are silent. Next we met MF, PEDA and other top officials in Railway Board. Regarding Designation change, they are on the job. We told them we are more concerned about our JAAs and AAs as they don't like to be called Assistants. Proposal for one time exemption for Accounts clerks who qualified Appendix 2A waiting for JAA, need to be send by Individual Zonal Hqrs, so that Board will give concurrence to that Zone immediately. Recently CLW asked for it and orders were issued to them. Regarding Appendix 3A exam due to be held in the month of March 2022 in the old pattern only for those who have got exemption, we have requested to keep one more exam this year itself for others. This was agreed by Rly. Bd., they said we will conduct in July this year. We have requested for Sr. AA post to be increased, also ensure that the smallest unit comprising less than 50 staff also get a post as Sr. AA. Regarding Gaz. status also we have put pressure on Railway Board. We also have to do some Political pressure for this. Regarding Entry Pay, Board wanted some inputs, which we will be submitting on Monday or Tuesday. Many other miscellaneous matters were also discussed.
Reji George GS AIRASA.

Reji George: AIRASA 24-01-2022,

Dear friends,
Thanks for the overwhelming response that we have received about the staff particulars regarding 5th PC arrears in our email airasa97@gmail.com It is found that some of our rival factions have been crtisising us motivately and also tempting others not to comply with the particulars. These people only want to crticise us and behave as an opposition party. They are ignoring the seriousness of the issue by indulging others not to furnish personal data. I would like to draw your attention here that Railway Board will play their tricks in the last minute. They will ask our Advocate where is the applicants list. It is the duty of GS/AIRASA to produce the list to our Advocate before the due date. So dear friends , you might be from any union or rival faction, we need the particulars of all the staff from JAA to Sr. SO as on 1-1-1996. Only three things are needed. Name, Designation and Office in working. (Rly/Divn). Kindly cooperate and stand united at this one issue as otherwise it could be a slip between the cup and the lip which we should not allow.

AIRASA 25-01-2022

Dear friends,
"No need to panic anybody... every Accounts man will get arrears irrespective of whether he paid membership fee or not. Being an authorized signatory of the petition filed on behalf of AIRASA, I personally communicate to all of you that All the Accounts people who got improved pay scales in 5th PC without arrears, will get now the same whether you have membership or otherwise! So don't be panic, I once again request all not to pay for the sake of arrears as all accounts men are legally entitled to get the same. PL circulate the above message to one and all...๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

AIRASA 25-1-2022

An Appeal 20-1-2022 - Read now...

AIRASA 25-01-2022

Message from Reji George GS/AIRASA 17-1-2022 - Read now...

AIRASA 25-01-2022

Flash news AIRASA 21-12-2021,
Contempt petition for 5th PC arrears has been filed by AIRASA lead by Reji George, General Secretary and Partho Bhattacharya President AIRASA on behalf of all Accounts staff of Indian Railways. Contempt petition came up for hearing today. The railways lawyer accepted notice. To come up for hearing on 24th February 2022.

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Humble appeal to all my Dear friends

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