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Editorial of AIRASA

Welcome to the new Website of AIRASA.

It gives me great pleasure and privilege in launching the new Website of AIRASA (ALL INDIA RAILWAY ACCOUNTS STAFF ASSOCIATION) It has been felt for a very long time that the activities of AIRASA is not high lightened to the Accounts staff of Indian Railways.

Previously we had the Inter Railway Accounts Reconciliation Meeting where our people could know the latest activities of AIRASA. Now we have decided to open a Corporate Paid Website whereby our people could know the latest activities of AIRASA.

Not only that, we can know the latest Railway Board orders, PNR status, go to Facebook etc. The Website address is www.airasacentral.org

We have opened a new E-mail address : airasa97@gmail.com

You can write letters to the GS, you can give your valuable suggestions; anybody wants Mutual transfers they can write to us.

We look forward to carry out our activities with your sincere co-operation and co-ordination. I owe my sincere thanks to Dr. Nirmal Ch Dey Secretary Finance of AIRASA who has now become AFA/CLW for his initiative, guidance and support. I also thank Mr. Gautam Sarkar, The Founder of iNDUS Web Technologies from Kolkata the Web Master of our website for making this website user friendly and device responsive.

Thanking you,
Reji George
(General Secretary)